Mad Cat Timberwolf replica
It's cool when customers introduce us to huge universes that we have never even heard of before. This is what happened with this product, which pushed us in the world of Battletech. It includes books, series, role-playing and video games. And this world stretches back to the mid-80s of the last century, talking about a non-trivial and very distant future, where humanity fights with the help of combat machines - Mechs.

Now we were faced with the task of making Timberwolf Mad Cat in a pixel camouflage color scheme with clan and subdivision symbols. The size of this Mech is 25 cm, so the work on it turned out to be very, very painstaking. And the result is so very pleasing.

We hope that in the foreseeable future we will evolve so much that any battle will be limited only to the interaction of Mechs with each other, without affecting human lives.

P.S. Kerensky's legacy does not deserve to be spoiled by his ungrateful children.
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